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SSJ Biographies

This surpasses the level of a normal Saiyian. To achieve
Super Saiyian, you must have a pure heart (even though
Vegeta can this level he has a pure heart, though I think it
is pure evil). Anger and rage triggers a transformation. The
physical transformation includes the hair turning golden
blonde, and eyes turning green.

Who can transform at this level: Goku, Gohan, Trunks,
Vegeta, Goten, Gotenks, and Broli.

Super Saiyian (Ultimate SSJ)

Not to be confused with Super Saiyian 2. When Goku
trained in the room of time during the Cell Saga, he
discovered that he can increase his power almost 3 times
more than normal. But he realized that while this increase
makes him more powerful, it also makes him slower. This
is a major weakness which means that it is no good in
battle. Trunks is the fastest person so he uses it and you
see him use it the most.

Who can transform at this level: Goku, Trunks, Vegeta.

Super Saiyian form 2

Again it increases strength and speed, but more than SSJ
from 1. Gohan was the first to reach this level during the
battle with Cell (some may argue that this first happened
during his training in the room of time, but that is when he
went Super Saiyian 1). It is similar in definition to the Super
Saiyian 1 in which rage and anger triggers the
transformation. The difference physically is a little increase
in hair and a slightly darker hair color.

Who can transform at this level: Gohan, Goku, Vegeta,
(Broli from movie 8)

Super Saiyian form 3

Quite different than the other levels, Super Saiyan 3 can
only be achieved through training. During the time when
Goku trained in Heaven (after the Cell saga), Goku learned
how to transform to the third level of the Super Saiyian. It
brings even more power and speed. Physically more hair
and the absence of eyebrows is seen in this transformation.
The biggest weakness at this level is that it uses more
energy, so a Saiyian can only transform to this level for a
short period of time usually around 30 minutes, like the

Who can transform at this level: Goku, Gotenks

Super Saiyian form 4

This only happens in Dragonball GT. Rage, anger, and
sorrow all triggers this transformation where physically the
hair is black and the body is covered with ape like hair.

Who can transform at this level: Goku, Vegeta (with a
device created by Bulma)


Got all Saiyans (the main ones).
Character: Trunks
Hair Color: Black (Gold when SSJ)
Eye Color: Black (Green when SSJ)
Race: Half-Saiyan (1/2 Saiyan)
Highest Level: USSJ or Ultimate SSJ (Though some say
SSJ2 is better).
Trunks is Vegeta and Bulma's son. He has purple hair and
is half Saiyan (which is weird that Gohan is Half Saiyan
too, but Gohan can transform at Full Moon and
Trunks can't). Trunks has actually Two-forms: Future
Trunks and Chibi Trunks. Future Trunks (Mirai Trunks) is in
his teen's and the Androids killed all the Z warriors, except
for Trunks. Goku died of a heart disease and the rest were
killed by Freiza-bot. Trunks with no chance to live too long,
Trunks and Bulma build and time machine and Future
Trunks traveled back in time to help the Z Warriors and give
Goku the right medication. Chibi
Trunks was the Trunks you see as a baby to an adult in
Dragonball GT. Chibi Trunks could turn Super Saiyan at a
very young age. Trunks best friend was Goten (Goku's
second son) and while Gohan, Vegeta, and Goku were
going SSJ2 Trunks and Goten weren't as strong, but they
learned to fuse together and become Gotenks.

Character: Vegeta
Hair Color: Black (Gold when SSJ)
Eye Color: Black (Green when SSJ)
Race: Saiyan
Highest Level: SSJ2 (SSJ4 Bulma used some ray to make
him go SSJ4, he doesn't go SSJ3)
Vegeta is the prince of the Saiyans. He goes to Earth with
his sidekick, Nappa, to find the Dragon Balls and wish for
immortality. He is defeated by Goku and returns to Frieza's
base to heal. After he is fully healed he rushes off to
Namek where is is forced to fight alongside the Z Fighters
to defeat Frieza. After that he joins forces with Goku and
marries Bulma. They have two children. Trunks is the son
and the oldest. Bra is the daughter, she doesn't get involved
in any fights. Vegeta has a quick temper and likes to pick
on those weaker than him. But he shows his good side
when he sacrafices his life to save his son's.

Character: Piccolo
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Green
Race: Namek
Highest Level: Kamicolo (Piccolo and Kami merged,
Piccolo already absorbed Nail.)
Piccolo is the Son of Piccolo Diamo. Piccolo Diamo was
split from Kami. Piccolo Diamo was evil side, Kami the
good. Kami wanted to be god and The god that was already
there said Kami had to much evil in him to god so Kami
Split the good and Evil, Kami and Piccolo Diamo. Goku as
a child, Dragonball, killed Piccolo Diamo and when he did
Piccolo Diamo spit out an egg which is Piccolo. Piccolo
grows up as Goku worst enemy, but after they team up to
kill Raditz. Goku is killed and Piccolo takes Gohan and
trains him. Gohan becomes the only person he cares for.
He soon becomes good. Piccolo merges with Kami and
Nail through out the series.

Character: Krillin
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Black
Race: Earthling
Highest Level: None
Krillin is one year older that Goku. They were rivals a while,
but they ended up being best friends. He and Goku both
were trained by Master Roshi. Krillin has no nose he has
six breather holes on his head though. He's also a monk.
He marries Android 18 after he wishes
her to be human. He also wishes for hair. He is also the
strongest human.

Character: Yamcha
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Race: Earthling
Highest Level: None
Yamcha is a good friend of Goku. He used to rob people in
the desert who pasted by. Yamcha and Bulma like each
other during DB and some of DBZ. He is the weakest of the
Z warriors Because he pretty much gave up training after he
wished back from King Kai.

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