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DBZ Encyclopedia:2

Space Suit
Developed by the Capsule Corporation, the space suit allows one to breath in space, and the boots
can magnetize, to allow one to walk on the outside of a spaceship. Although the space suit is
airtight, it does not prevent one from using ki blasts.

Shu's Robot
Shu's robot is a mech suit. It has a blaster on one arm, andon the other, a powerful claw. It has four
legs, and on top it bears an antenna.

Soul Cleanser
The Soul Cleanser machine exists in the limbo-world of King Yema. The shouls file in, and are
thoroughly scrubbed of all their evil, while the evil is emptied into a container that is regularly
emptied and constantly monitored by a janitor.

Owned by Dabura, the spear is a rather innefective weapon. Dabura throws it through Fat Buu in an
attempt to kill him, but it fails miserably.

Super God Water (Choushinsui)
The Super God Water is a dangerous drink. If you are not strong enough to keep it from killing you
after you drink it, you will die. However, if you are strong enough, it will make you extremely strong.

Super Holy Water (Chouseisui)
The Super Holy Water has the power to cleanse people of evil (possession, in particular). If
someone possessed is splashed with Super Holy Water, they will return to their normal self.

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Tapion's Sword
The sword that Future Trunks is always carrying with him is Tapion's sword. It is giving to Trunks
by Tapion, a hero who almost sacrifices himself to save the world from a demon.

Taxi | Picture
This particular taxi operates in the Western Capital. It has four doors, all of which open vertically.
The taxi has two seats in the front, and one long seat in the back, allowing it to seat five. The taxi
also has no wheels, and moves by anti-gravitation.

Time Bomb
The time bomb is a bomb with a clock mounted on it. It has two buttons on top (presumably
activate, and deactivate) and a knob on the side.

Time Machine | Picture
The time machine is what Bulma uses to bring Trunks back in time, and what Dr. Gero uses to bring
Cell back in time. Bulma's time machine has four engine thrusters, four legs, and a bubble dome on
top. It takes a full six months to charge, and can seat only one.

Toninjinka's Car | Picture
This is the car of the bunny crime-boss who turns people into carrots by touching them. The car is
shaped like a bunny, with two ears on the roof, and a tail in the back. The car has a bunny face
painted on the front as well. It is a two door car, and is rather small. No weapons are mounted on
this car.

Toninjinka's Guns
Toninjinka's followers carry these machine guns. They have a shoulder mount, but can also be
handheld, and have a small sight on top of them (not a scope).

Transformation Suit and Band
The transformation suit and band are Gohan's Great Saiyaman suit, and the watch he wears as the
great saiyaman. In this outfit, he has a belt, a cape, Saiya-jin boots, and an aesthetically offensive
helmet with two antenna pointing of either end.

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Umigame is the turtle that hangs around Mutenroshi. He is extremely slow moving, and his
powerlevel is 0.001.

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Weighted Clothing
Both Goku and Piccolo wear weighted clothing under normal circumstances, in order to increase
their strength. After taking off their clothing, their power levels jump dramatically, and they become
far faster and more agile.

While in heaven, Goku trains with gigantic weights on both his arms and legs. This is more or less
equivalent to training under high gravity (like on Kaio-sama's planet).

Who's Who
Who's Who is the name of the book that lies on King Yema's desk. This book describes who is
good and pure (going to heaven) and who is evil (going to get their soul cleansed and then go to

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Yajirobe's Car | Picture
Yajirobe own's a Capsule hovercraft. It has two boosters with cooling fans on either site, four
headlights (normal lights, plus brights), and can seat two.

Yamcha's Panzer Faust
This was one of Yamcha's weapons, back when he was a desert bandit. It is an anti-tank gun that
mounts on one's shoulder and shoots powerful blasts. Its normal use would be to attack panzer

Yamcha's Plane
This plane looks suspiciously like a bumble bee. It can seat too, has two wings, a thruster on top,
and a gigantic booster on the back.

Yellow's Plane | Picture
Yellow, of the Red Ribbon Army owns this plane. It has four machine guns mounted on the front,
and the propeller is mounted on the back tail. It has two wings, and three wheels.

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Z Sword
The Z Sword is the sword given to Gohan when he gets the Kaioshin powerup. It is extremely
heavy, so heavy in fact, that no Kaioshin can lift it.

Z Team/Z Teamers
This term refers to Earth's warriors. This includes Chaozu, Goku, Tien, Yamcha, Kuririn, Gohan,
Goten, Piccolo, and often others.

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